1.Internet of Things: Architecture, Applications and Future Challenges
Vipin Kumar Rathi, Sahil Pathak, Ankur
PAGE NO : 1-5
2.A Multi-Agent Probabilistic Method for Route Optimization against Cooperative Blackhole Attack
Jyoti Chauhan, Sahil Gupta
PAGE NO : 6-11
3.Impact of Mutation on Metal Resistance in Pseudomonas Spp
Ranjana G Khade
PAGE NO : 12-15
4.Thrust Area: Bioremediation Optimisation of Factors Affecting Biodegradation of Hexavalent Chromium by Arthrobacter, Isolated From Soil and Sewage Samples
Sandhya. R. Mulchandani, Saraswati.N.Patel
PAGE NO : 16-22
5.Assessment of Biological Embodiment by Foldscope
Rushna Rais Ahmad Ansari
PAGE NO : 23-24