1.Experimental Study on Generation Scheduling using Genetic Algorithm, PSO and Improved PSO technique
Renu Janagal, Dr. Naresh Kumar
PAGE NO : 1-6
2.Real time open system interconnection standard for data communication
Ali Ayid Ahmad
PAGE NO : 7-12
3.Optimization of k -Nearest Neighbour classifier for dealing with secure encrypted rational data
Ali Abbas Younis Al-Arbo, Dr. Shadi Alshehabi
PAGE NO : 13-22
4.Literature Survey and detection of Road Safety Aspects on National Highways in India
Pankaj Dahiya
PAGE NO : 23-28
5.Assessment of Biological Embodiment by Foldscope
Rushna Rais Ahmad Ansari
PAGE NO : 29-30
6.Role and Impact of Digitalization of Libraries in India
PAGE NO : 31-34
7.The Capability of Soil Enzymes (Bio Stimulants) in Sustainable Crop Production
Shweta V.Humbarwadi, Anupama Hatey, Sudha Chaudhary
PAGE NO : 35-40
8.Space Industry and COVID-19: An Insight into Their Shared Relation
Sibsankar Palit, Subhajit Hazra, Ripudaman M Singh
PAGE NO : 41-46