1.Parking Sites Analysis of selected places in Rohtak district
Pankaj Dahiya,Ajit Singh
PAGE NO : 1-7

2.Raise Gasoline Efficiency by Operation Reforming Process
Ali Hasan Abdulla
PAGE NO : 8-10

3.A Comprehensive Review on Highways Security in India and their Analysis
Paramjeet Singh,Dr. V. K. Ahuja
PAGE NO : 11-16

4.Digital Image Processing Using Convolution Algorithm
Mahesh Kumar,Deepika
PAGE NO : 17-27

5.Assessment of Microbial Load and Drug Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Contamination on the Train Handles of Western Railways in Mumbai
Joel Rodrigues, Luvita Thommana, Ravi Subrahmanyeswari, Roshni Putta
PAGE NO : 28-34

6.Nutritional Quality of Fruits during Pandemic Covid-19
Kamran Abbas Mirza , Mahvesh Shaikh
PAGE NO : 35-37

7.A Comparative Study of Different Biometric Technologies
Preeti Kumari, Pooja Ahlawat
PAGE NO : 38-44

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